It's almost 1 am. I'm stuffed. But still on a bit of a sugar high. And the caffeine from all those coffees... It can only mean one thing. It's Thanksgiving!

We had a lovely dinner at the in-laws. A nice turkey with all the trimmings and then some. For desert, a little something something I made and brought along: pumpkin cheesecake with whipped cream, caramel and pecans. Actually, my heart is beating faster just remembering. It was delicious. Super impressive looking (don't you love that?) and honest to goodness, probably the simplest cake I ever made! Thank you Kraft Canada, cream cheese, canned pumpkin, pre- crushed graham crackers, cool whip and caramel sauce in an easy squeeze container ;0) Would you believe that this one took less than 30 minutes of active time to make? And it was such a hit everyone thought it was better than pumpkin pie. I know you want to know how to make it so
here's the recipe ;0)

Now this was the second day of eating debauchery because yesterday we gave thanks for my sister's cookery skills! She made a traditional
"ragout de patte de cochon" which translates literally as pig paw stew. Sounds freaky, I know. In actuality, though, totally freaky good! Let's just say we all ate very well and then for desert, I brought a little something something there too... Apple cheesecake! Also from Kraft Canada (love that site!). I modified the recipe a tad by adding a layer of caramel sauce under the cheesy goodness for extra decadence. A total hit also. You can
get the recipe here ;0)
Would this be a bad time to mention that I joined Weight Watchers? I did, like way back at the end of August but I've been such a blogging slacker that I hadn't gotten around to telling you about it yet. I nearly fell off my chair when I found out just how far out range I was for my height and how much I need to lose. I guess I'm one of those lucky people who think they look better than they actually do, heehee! It's true though, sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself in a shop window and think, that chubby lady looks familiar and then realise it's me! Anywho, I'm actually enjoying the WW plan. It's simple. It works. I'm optimistic ;0)
This weekend right off! It's all soup and egg substitute frittata for the rest of the week to make up for it. Good thing I enjoy those too!
Okay, okay! I know some of you are wondering about the knitting and the peace sweater... but sadly, I got nothin'! Not because I haven't been working on either. It's just that it's all become very complicated and I want to do it right. My original plan was to charge for the pattern and then write a check to Doctor's Without Borders (aka Knitters Without Borders) but when I mentioned this to my father in law he was really worried about the tax implications for me and I just can't afford the liability so I've contacted the fundraising people for the organisation about the best way to make sure they get all the money and that I don't have a personal income tax nightmare on my hands and am waiting to hear back...
I'd also like to host the pattern on my own site and it turns out that's a lot of work too ;0)
But I've set a cold hard date for the launch: November 1st!
I hope you'll bear with me and stay tuned...