He can peel sticker backs, rinse his hair in the bath, use the potty, and use his indoor voice at the library.
He can even climb all the way up the tall slide at the park and walk across the wobbly bridge all by himself! He can ride his tricycle, play notes on the baritone, and look on both sides before crossing the street.
He can play mosaics with shapes, solve big floor puzzles, and even make computer creatures with daddy.
He can do all these things, you see, because now he's thlee!
Happy Birthday Jubilee Bubilee! I love you more than you could ever know, my sweet boy ;0)
PS - Now, how 'bout that cake?! I made it using the instructions from Jane Price's book, The home guide to cake decorating. It has detailed ideas for every number made from cake molds you already have and is complete with recipes and inspiration galore on lots and lots of other themed and non-themed cakes. It's my favourite eye-candy too since it is so beautifully styled and I don't hesitate to recommend it.
This three for instance was made from two ring cakes. Neat, eh?