Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pirate of the kitchen!

First up, the pirate wear! Remember Julian's incorrigible foxy pirate sweater? Yeah, that one! Well it’s been languishing in a time out for a while. I actually went one further and frogged it back all the way before putting it down last time. So all I had to go back to was piles of kinky yarn in various lengths and colours. I didn’t think I’d go back to it, but somehow I found the serenity to do so on the weekend and have knit everything but the back!

I have two fronts, two sleeves and a collar. All that’s left is the back with that cursed intarsia medallion! I wanted to do it today except that it requires the level of concentration that is impossible with Julian around these days. Now that he’s mobile, I just can’t seem to get anything done anymore. It’s even worse now that he started pillaging the kitchen.



  1. Will he sit in a playpen to play? My kids were great ... they loved it in their playpen. I also had my entire living room gated off so they had that space to play in that was safe and I could have a little peace and quiet. Now that they're 2.5 and 4 it's chaos, but at least they're busy playing together rather than getting into stuff they're not supposed to.

    The sweater looks great, by the way. :)

  2. Anonymous7:03 p.m.

    Is he WALKING!!??? Wow- that is soooo fun!

  3. Who deserves a pirate sweater, more than a little pillager! Enjoy it while it last.

  4. I love the sweater; it is jaunty! (not sure that anyone uses that word anymore LOL). This phase too shall pass; you'll both get used to it; for him this is a whole new paradise and your loss of freedom will definitely get worked out. He is such a cutie! I am feeling for you too though...memories!

  5. Oh my goodness! I hope he was not in the way of the falling pots!

    Your kid is totally adorable, though! And the sweater is awesome.

  6. He's so cute. How old is he? Younger than Claire by a bit right? I have found that the last month or so (16 months), Claire has allowed me to do my own thing without having to be doing it too. She just has to be sure that I'm nearby and still paying attention. Yes, I still have to stop her from doing things sometimes but she's starting to listen to me a bit.....on good days.

  7. Hahaha, I love it! I gave my son a Tupperware cabinet for him to get into. He'd pull out all of the Tupperware & pans stored in there and climb inside. I think boys need that sense of tearing apart & building a fort or something. Even an empty LARGE cardboard box will do.

    That sweater will look so cute on your pirate!

  8. Y'Arrr Mate! Love the sweater!
    I'm just starting to finally be able to do my own thing a little bit more. Paisley's 2 and a bit and we still have our crazy days, but it is getting better and will get better for you too! Hang in there... :-)

  9. I find mobility in a child to be highly overrated.

  10. My nephew used to love going into the kitchen and getting into things when he was first learning to get around. We thought about getting those little things for the cabinet doors so that he couldn't get in (not sure what they are called but they prevent the doors from being opened by little ones), but we never did...

  11. Anonymous9:04 p.m.

    Boy, can I relate, LOL! Don't little ones make it more, uh, fun?? The sweater is coming along great!

  12. Curse that intarsia! (And that bunny square? OH MY FREAKING AUNT GERTIE! I'm amazed.)

    Arrrr, pirate sweaters are tops.

  13. Oh, what an adorable action pic!

  14. And I bet you were so excited to have him moving around!
