I'm embroidering it on using a crochet hook (I keep the working yarn underneath and pull loops through to make the letters), making it up as I go along and ripping it back as necessary. It's working out great so far and is a lot better than all the other techniques I tried first - fair isle, duplicate stitiching, and needle embroidery. It's also a lot easier to fiddle with and the most flexible. I also started working on little piggie prototypes for the "this little piggie went to the market, this little piggie stayed home..." rhyme and even put in an afterthought pocket in the blankie to keep the piggies in.
I can't wait to get the border finished. It seems like I've been working on it forever. I've been waking up every morning this week with the hopes of finishing it "today" and yet still have so far to go. One thing is for sure though, I'm not going to finish it tonight because tonight is the kick-off concert for this year's Montreal International Jazz festival and the hubby and I have a date with the King of the Blues, that's right, the legendary B.B. King is performing at the Place-des-arts de Montreal and we're so there baby ;0) We bought the tickets way back in January and have been anticipating the big 80th birthday show every time we go to the fridge (the tickets have been up there for months).
When we were dating, we used to go to 5-6 ticketed indoor show a year and sadly now average 1 per year and BB is it this year! We've caught his show twice before and he is still my favourite all-time performer. If you ever get to catch his show, you must! He's the top of my list for best performance at a live concert right ahead of Bob Dylan, Diana Krall, the Mardi Gras B.B, and Norah Jones. Ah, how I love the Montreal Jazzfest. I'll tell you more about it over the coming weeks. Can't wait to take Julian to the day concerts. So exciting...
Anywho, gotto go paint my toes and toss my hair.
Mama's got a big date tonight ;0)