I bought 4 balls not knowing what I would knit with it and then spent months trying to find a project that woud do it justice. Then I found this and made a plan! I wrote out the pattern line by line (don't you hate it when patterns just refer you other lines in the pattern...just write it out people!?!!), found some Addi's and off I went. So for the first like 10 inches I was loving the Noro. Loving it! The colours. The way they speckle into each other at the transitions. Ah!
And then it happened. That kooky Noro thing I have read about many many times before happened... TO ME! The colour sequencing went all wonky. Purple, pink, orange, green, teal and purple. What a marvelous colour combo. Take a breather to admire the deliciousness of it all, grab a drink and a snack, squeeze the hubby and the baby, pat the growing belly and continue. Ah! Purple, pink, GREEN?! What happened to the orange? It's okay. It's going to be okay. It's probably coming up next. What? Teal? Purple? Okay, this is all wrong. Stupid Noro!I don't think Noro is made for uptight people like me! Seriously. I can't love this scarf now. I want to. I really do. But everytime I look at it, I think "THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE ORANGE!!!" So I guess it's destined for the gift pile. I'll have to give it to a less tense person than I ;0)
In Jujube news, OMG there's like 10 zillion new things a day! But today, he took 5 steps towards his mommy. And yes, my heart totally melted. How I love that child ;0) Also new this week lots of singing, most notably "row, row, row" and "melly, melly, melly" from that boat song! But also "Pat-a-cake" complete with the clapping and key actions! Then there was "Plea" as in "Mo plea" when he wants more apple Bear Paw cookies. Grandpa also taught him to say "va-va-va-voom"! I'm not sure what the context of that one was but I'm really curious about what's going on over the during the day. LOL! Okay, that's enough gushing about baby for one post. I'll save the photos for next week. Now for the baby belly. Everything is going really well except that I am still super tired. What is up with that? Ugh! At least I have the best, most understanding and helpful husband in the world ;0)
Oh, and I can knit again!!!
ps - I will be moderating comments for the next little while due to comment spam I received in my last post. You can leave comments as usual and I'll approve them before they appear on the site. That way I can filter out Viagra pitches :0)