Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sick chickies

Thursday night and I am just beginning to see the light at the end of the long whiney, fevery, runny nosey, lethargic tunnel...

Exhibit A: Double ear infection.

Exhibit B: Double ear infection + 6 teeth coming in! Poor chickie.

And of course the growing post-modern art installation taking over every sink, tub and other water tight basin in my house...

Now, I'm not a germ fearing lady. I'm one of those people who believe some germs are good. You know, they help build up a strong immune system! But after being sick myself with a bad cold for 10 days now and after caring for two little sickees all week, I feel the need to air out and super mega de-germify my house!

Three sets of bed linens washed in high-temp: check! Play-mats and all plastic toys soaked in vinegar water: check! All floors vacuumed/washed with vinegar water: check! All light switches, door knobs and solid surface in my house lysol-wiped: check! Knitting: lying in a heap by the couch since last week :0(

But the mailman came this week with a little box of joy which is sitting on my kitchen table and beckoning...

Like I said, there's a light at the end of the tunnel ;0)


  1. Oh your poor boys and you too. My daughter is always prone to ear infections and they are never nice. I too seem to disinfect the house when there is a barrage of sickness, especially gasto. I clean all the light switches too. The yarn looks yummy and will be a welcome relief when they are all better, which I hope is soon.

  2. I feel your pain, Anny. My 8 month old son has croup as well as 2 teeth coming in. I'm going to try a massive disinfect today (probably while sleepwalking!).

  3. Oh no! Get well wishes to the boys, and take care of yourself!

  4. Owwwweeee. Bless their hearts! I raised three boys and lived to tell their children stories about them, but it warn't easy. Keep your chin up! This too shall pass.

  5. Oh my gosh, the only thing worse than teething is an ear infection with the teething!!! You poor Mama and poor babies!
    Love the yarn though :)

  6. Oh dear. I'm in sanitize mode too and trying to contain the two-year old since he feels better but isn't actually netter just yet.

  7. I'm SOOOOO sorry! We just went through a bad bout of the stomach flu here last week (everyone, including me and hubby!) and I've been cleaning up a storm all week. Get well!

  8. Anonymous1:40 p.m.

    Oooh, here's to hoping everyone is feeling better soon--and you get some time to knit up that beautiful new yarn!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Poor babies. Hope you all feel better soon. There's nothing better than getting yarn from the mailman when you feel sick

  11. You poor thing - My eldest has been sick this week too and luckily the 3 yo has not! Hope you're all better soon - yarn fumes always make you feel better - great healing powers!

  12. Poor Chickies and Mama! That's a lot of no fun!

    I've got one sick chickie myself... I'm hoping it doesn't spread, but seeing as she's too young to "cover her mouth" or anything like that... germs, germs everywhere!

    Hope you get in a little sanity knitting soon!

  13. Poor babies! We've had three double ear infections and teething times two (twins!) so I feel your pain! Now I know why my mother dreaded the winter when we were little. Hope everyone feels better soon!

  14. Oh, your poor little babies, I hope they're getting better now - and you too.
    Yummy looking yarn, can't wait to see what you do with it :)

  15. Anonymous9:56 a.m.

    ooooooooohhhhhhhh! i feel the pain in those pictures! had a bout of the current illness-du-jour myself and the kids at school are dropping like flies! but of course, not before vomiting AT school! but soon your little men will be well again! can't wait to see what your "boîte de joie" becomes!

  16. Poor dears! Hope you have a chance to relax and knit sometime soon. Make sure you look after yourself, too. (And be so thankful that you don't have the stomach flu....)

  17. Anonymous10:28 a.m.

    Oh wow....I am sending some good vibes your way! Feel better soon! Your yarn looks tempting!

  18. Anonymous11:24 a.m.

    OH,bless your heart. I remember those days. Now as a Grandma it is just me and Grandpa to nurse through those sicknesses that come. Now that I think of it, 3 children might have been easier nursing than Grandpa. Just kidding. Glad you are all on the road to recovery

  19. poor little boys! I hope they're fine now!!

  20. my little guy always seemed to get ear infections while he was teething at that age. hope everyone gets healthy and stays that way.

    by the way, your stash looks lovely. so jealous of all its yarny goodness.

  21. I hope this finds you and the boys doing better. Their pictures are darling even if they were feeling badly

  22. Poor babies, and poor you... we all just passed around a GI bug and I've gone through the house de-germing, too. What is that pretty twist yarn from Classic Elite? I've been wanting to do something in a twist for my girls, but haven't found one I really like.

  23. Anonymous11:27 p.m.

    Sometimes it's enough to know that the yarn is there waiting patiently until you have time to play. Just keep it up, way up, but where you can walk by occasionally to pet it and let it know that soon, soon you'll be together.

  24. Poor pumpkins! I hope they're feeling better by now.

  25. Anonymous10:59 a.m.

    WOW. Your baby knits are really beautiful. Nice job!

  26. What is it about teething, ear infections, runny noses and ear infections? It's been going on in my household since November. We're on our fifth lot of antibiotics! And still a runny nose.... Every sympathy. I only have one to deal with.

  27. Anonymous5:26 p.m.

    Poor little guys! I hope they feel better soon!

  28. This is the first time I have been to your blog. I think you might be my new hero. I have only been knitting for about six months and I LOVE what you have knitted. I have several of the books from which you have knitted sweaters for your boys and I can't wait to knit them for my son. I just got Lucinda Guy's books in the mail today and I am so excited. I am going to try to knit her bird blanket. (I fully expect it to take me at least 9 months to's for our friends who just found out they are pregnant.)

    I just finished Saarjte's Booties too! They are SO cute.

    I will definitely be back to your blog. Thanks for creating it.

    My son has a double ear infection right now too. So, so sad and miserable.

  29. Anonymous12:46 a.m.

    Hope everyone has pulled through by now. That first picture could be captioned "young misery," which it depicts perfectly.

    Health and happiness to you all!

  30. Oh, no! I hope they're better soon! Poor little guys.

    You've received the You Make My Day award :)

  31. Anonymous10:49 p.m.

    I just discovered your website Jujube and Lolo! It is great! I have been following your blog for a while and hope you the best with this new endeavor. Hope your little ones get better soon.
