Cluck! Isn't this hat a riot?! I came across the pattern on Ravelry last week and it had my Lolo's name written all over it. I knit it from a ball of stash Rowan All Seasons Cotton in 'cookie' and a few yard of Knit Picks Shine in 'cream' for the bone tips and ties. I looove it!
I made a few mods: I altered the placement of the earflaps by counting 7 stitches from the centre back rather than 10 as indicated in the pattern before picking up stitches for the earlflaps so they would fit better, and I knit he drumsticks separately and then sewed them on rather than picking up stitches. Other than that, I knit it as written. And can attest that it is a riot to knit as well. Can't wait for it too be cool enough for him to wear it.
You see it's been unseasonably warm this week and except for the mountains of snow that remain, it's felt a lot like summer. In our desperation, we've taken to shoveling our yards and helping mother nature melt the snow faster by flinging it across the driveway in the warm air and letting the sun do the rest. This sounds crazy I know, but we're all doing it daily. It's gonna take some time still because there really was a crazy amount of snow this year...
Ah, but that's all behind us now, come on Summer!