Sunday, December 04, 2005

Loving spoonfuls

Julian had his first meal yesterday and like his daddy, he didn't stop 'til his plate was empty.

He seemed quite content for the rest of the fact we visited our friends and their new baby (so tiny...oh my gosh) and then a few hours at the bookstore and then a stop at the restaurant and all that time, he was full and happy. Success! Of course he was still up every couple hours for milk last night. We're still working on it...



  1. Awesome! What did you give him? I always liked feeding my kids like that ... It's too bad they won't let me feed them anymore, it'd save a lot of messes! :)

  2. love those pictures from lunch-a-boo! sooooooo adorable!
    you'll see a big difference in the time span between feedings once he gets used to the solids. congrats!!

  3. Anonymous3:28 p.m.

    Cute. He is changing so quickly. He already looks different to me than the photos you posted before (of him in that wicked green sweater you made him).

  4. Look how cute that babe is!

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