Speaking of the little guy, he has a tooth! It's not out all the way yet but you can certainly feel a sharp tooth there now. So one down, how many to go?
So in the meantime, let me introduce you to my new blog pet, Purl. There she is in my sidebar. Ain't she a cutie? I adopted her from bunny hero labs yesterday and seriously can't stop playing with her! She loves to "follow the cursor" and if you click on her, she hops onto her wheel. Hours of fun plus you never have to feed or change her...now that's a pet I can handle!
Speaking of fun, Samantha tagged me for this meme though I had to change around some of the categories since my life is too boring and I'd rather not have a written record of such. Heehee! For instance, one of the original categories was "4 places you've lived" and I haven't lived in 4 places. Or worse "4 places you've been on vacation" and 3 of them are within a 3 hour drive and the other is the Quebec part of Florida! So I kinda stirred in some of the "7 things meme" to make up for the nixed categories. So here's my 4-things-meets-7-things meme:
Seven Things To Do Before I Die
Four Movies you could watch over and over
Seven songs I Play Over and Over Again
Four TV Shows you love to watch
Seven Things I Say Most Often
Four of your favourite foods
Tag, you're it!!! I've got to go find a screetch substitute (since I'm still nursing and can't drink my sock sorrows away) and figure out what to do with those socks. I can't wait to move on to another project...
He likes to stick his foot out too! And he hasn't yet found a sock or shoe he can't work off. So tonight, we dubbed him the Great Shoedini! A suitable name I think ;0)
In knitting news, you'll remember that I started a Panta. In fact I even joined the panta-along. It looked cool. The yarn was nice. Heck it was even fun to knit. But my was it unflattering on my head once completed. Really unflattering. I could hardly look at myself in the mirror while wearing it. Then I mustered the courage to show my husband. He giggled like a schoolgirl. Apparantly it's not just in my mind, it is that bad! And I thought I had a pretty normal head. Guess I was wrong on that one. It is an FO though. Here's a pic of shoedini wearing it. It does look very cute on him, but then again everything does...
Well, it's back to sock knitting for me I guess! Oh, and check out Yarn Harlot's blog for details on the 2006 knitting olympics. I'm definately in. More on my event later this week. Go Canada Go!
Happy knitting!
My husband was lucky enough to be able to take two weeks off after Christmas and it's been really nice to have him home. We got to see a movie on the big screen (our first since baby), watched our Christmas DVDs, played Nintendo, and spent loads of time playing and cuddling with the baby. Not to be outdone, Julian learned to sit up on his own...just like that! My husband was holding him up and then let go to see what would happen and to our amazement, Julian just kept sitting on his own for several minutes. He's surprisingly stable and loves his new vantage point. So now, we really need to crawler-proof our house... We already purchased most of the contraptions but (though it was on our to do list these past 2 weeks) we haven't gotten around to installing any of them yet.
But today, it's just Julian and me around the house and everything seems just a little weird without daddy around. He's back at work this morning and we're a little sad to see him go (though it's also kinda nice to have everything back to normal). We've been getting up late and getting to bed at the wee hours of the morning every day for the last two weeks, we've been eating like college frat boys (including our classic Coke and Doritos breakfast), and we've been putting everything off like the master procrastinators that we are. So today, it's kinda nice to have thinks return to normal. It is also the day my new year's resolutions kick in (cause it's hard to resolve when you're on one of your two yearly 'vacations').
In the hope that writing them down will make them somehow mmore concrete, here are my new year's resolutions:
So far, I'm doing good on numbers 2, 7 and 10. Good thing there's a whole year ahead in which to work on these...