...and really it wasn't so bad at all. The boys were both on their best behaviour. They even napped together leaving me with a few hours to myself in the afternoons. I should have been napping too, but cooked an laundered instead. I tried to do some knitting but my WIPs don't lend themselves well to times alone with the wee ones. There's the anniversary sweater which frankly has me bored to tears (well not really, but you know what I mean) and the knitted ball from Fiona McTague's Knitted Toys which I started on the weekend while watching the worst sequel ever made, the kind that is so awful you just can't tear yourself away.
I should have been finished knitting this by now except that I decided to 'improve' on the pattern by knitting it in intarsia rather than the knitting the wedges separately and then sewing them together. I thought the intarsia would make neater joins (which it did) but it's probably not the best idea to knit a tiny colourful (read: attractive to kids) project with 6 balls of tangled yarn attached to it while you are home alone with a busy toddler and a hungry newborn! No wonder it's still on the needles ;0)
As for the boys, I was really nervous about how I would manage on my own. And while it's been trying and exhausting (I've been falling asleep on the couch after dinner), it's also been fun and enjoyable. Julian is such a sweet boy and is really a lot of fun to be around. And Logan is just beginning to be more aware of his surroundings which is really a lot of fun too. Except for an intense visit to the fence showroom, they've both been super good for mummy this week even if they didn't let me knit much of anything really ;0)
Plus it's been wondrous outside in these parts and we've been taking advantage and getting plenty of fresh air an sunshine which is great...except for Julian's swollen eye. Turns out the poor little guy is allergic to leaf mold and since we've been raking every chance we get (as has our entire neighbourhood) he doesn't stand a chance! His eye's been swollen for 3 days now and still seems to be getting worse and the medicine the doctor prescribed doesn't seem to help. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll magically get better tomorrow so we don't have to spend the weekend at the pediatric clinic again...