I've been toying with the idea of opening my own
etsy gift shop for a while and thought now might be a good time to send up a test balloon before baby comes and life gets too hectic. Besides, the distraction has been welcome these past few days with all of the unknowns surrounding this pregnancy (more on that later). And so I totally did it! Check out the new
annypurls shop:

My first offering? Java Cuffs! I'm targeting the office accessory market! LOL!!! I'm having so much fun coming up with different patterns and ideas for these and just can't knit them fast enough. It's also a fantastic way to use up some stash so it's a win-win all around. I don't know if these will sell or not but I'm proud of them and think they're fun and fresh. I figure if no one snatches them up, the worse that can happen is that I'll have them ready to drop in stockings come next Christmas.

Setting up the etsy shop was pretty straightforward for anyone else out there who may be thinking of jumping on that bandwagon. The most frustrating part for me was coming up with a banner with respectable quality which was totally not happening with the software I had at my disposal.
Hubby even downloaded a trial version of Adobe Illustrator but it was soo not intuitive for me and after cursing at the computer for a good hour, I decided to cheat a litte. I took a photo of some nice scrapbooking paper (the blue banner background), opened it in our photo software and added text to it. Worked like a charm and I kind of like that it's simple but fresh.
By the way, scrapbooking paper is fantastic as a backdrop for photos too. I used one on the table and one propped up against a bottle of window cleaner that just happened to be laying around creating a mini-studio for photographing my finished cuffs. Too cool! (I hope it's not illegal...)
Then the most difficult part of the whole etsy thing is pricing. Seriously. It's hard because on the one hand I know how much time energy and care goes into creating something unique with your hands but I also have a limit on what I would personally be willing to spend on something. I had such a hard time with this.
I finally decided to let the market dictate the price. I checked out what other similar products were selling for on etsy and went with that. Now we just wait and see and try not to get too crazy checking up on my shop a zillion times a day.
Okay, now pretend I have a really clever segue to transition from going on and on about thermal sleeves to what's going on with my baby ;0)
I mentioned Monday that my doctor was concerned about my blood pressure which was borderline and asked me to go see her at the hospital on Tuesday since she was on duty in the delivery room all day and could take my BP again to help her decide what if anything to do about it. So, I expected this visit to take 10 minutes.
Instead, I lay on a hospital bed in the exact room where Julian was born (such an eerie feeling!) for 5 hours while a super nice nurse and my doctor took my blood pressure reading every half hour, monitored the baby's heart rate, and took a zillion samples to send to the lab and waited for the results. I had no reading material and NO KNITTING with me....for 5 hours!!! Now I know you feel my pain ;0)
The verdict: I have pregnancy induced hypertension...again! They started me on some meds and will be monitoring me weekly to determine when to induce. I am currently 32 weeks along and they're hoping to tough me out until week 34 and then we'll see about inducing labour sometime between weeks 34 and 38 depending on how well the meds are working and on my condition.
The good news is that the baby is actually HUGE! They estimate that he is already 4 and a half pounds and that if carried him to term he would weight 9lbs! My radiologist explained that if you lined up 100 average sized babies by order of weight, my lemondrop would be the 5th largest!!! Scary if you're actually looking at delivering at term but since I know that won't be the case, it's reassuring to know that he is already a good size.
Now I have to mentally prepare for the possibility that we'll have two little ones in as little as 2 weeks and at most 5 weeks.
I'm sooo not ready...
I haven't even cast-on for my delivery socks yet! Got to make me some nice comfy ones to cherish forever and ever!