I went through my collection of knitting books for baby and took pictures of the projects I'd like to knit someday, uploaded them up to their own flickr set (check it out here) and wrote detailed source information for each as well as yarn requirements so that next time it's 2:30am and I can't sleep, I can just fireup the laptop, browse some new project ideas and even go shopping online for the right yarn all without getting out of bed! Talk about enabling late night yarn purchases!

I was a little hesitant to do it at first because 'aren't those images copyrighted'? I know everyone does it, but I'm one of those fearful of the law types so was concerned. But after thinking it over with hubby we decided that it was probably okay as long as I carefully identify the source of the image, am not profiting from it and am not giving away the actual pattern details. I think that sounds fair. At least that's the story I'm sticking to if the police come-a-knocking! I mean if anything, it'll encourage more people to purchase the books if they see a pattern they heart, right? I mean, I ordered the pattern leaflet for this after I saw it on Lolly's list.
It was fun to go through all these baby patterns again and think that I have a second chance to knit all new things for a tiny babe of my own again and I've earmarked a bunch of things for lemon's heirloom set. Here's one I had totally overlooked before but which I think could not be more perfect for a little lemondrop on those cool summer nights:
Once the yarn purchase is secured this afternoon, I'm putting my okay it's really time to have a baby plan into high gear! I'm hoping to pull a repeat performance of the night before Julian was born so we booked a sitter and will be going on a date tonight.
We're going to the same restaurant we went to the night before Julian was born, I'll order the same avocado and blackened chicken sandwich as I did then and then we're off to the movies. If everything goes according to plan, we'll have some fun when we get home at around midnight and my water will break at 2:45 am. Only this time I'll know that's what it is and we can just head out to the hospital right away (when this happened with Julian I thought I wet the bed!)
That would mean my lemon would be born at 37 weeks and 6 days which is exactly when Julian was born. We had a snow storm yesterday and it's a full moon tonight (I think) so really all the stars are lining up. Wouldn't it be great if it actually happened as planned? How I wish....
I'm soooo ready!
I just finished that DB Eyelet top from Special Knits. I definitely recommend it - so adorable. Phildar baby patterns are so addicting. I can't wait to see the finished product. I definitely recognize that need to knit 5489384093589034 baby sweaters before delivery. I think I made all of B's sweaters in my 9th month of pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed a full moon! Good luck, if nothing else the sandwich will be tasty. I was hoping the full moon might spur my new guy into action but I am only just 36 weeks and it is still a bit soon. Hope I don't have to wait for the next one.
ReplyDeleteThe reversible sweater will be perfect for spring.
sending good thoughts across the pond
ReplyDeletegood luck when you in confinement
Enid(in UK)
Good luck to you - I know I hung out with the same friend and her family the day before the births of all three of my children. It could happen!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck tonight! I hope everything goes "as planned."
ReplyDeleteGood luck on helping little baby along! All those baby knits are adorable. I don't have any babies to knit for right now. *snif*
ReplyDeleteLove the blog and I hope everything goes well....
ReplyDeleteBut you are breaking the law by posting those images. They are copyrighted, and even quoting the source isn't enough. Now, if you were reviewing the book, then you might be able to get away under the "fair use" aspect of news reporting/education. But just posting the images is definitely a violation, no matter that you don't make any money.
However, about the worst that will happen is that you get a stern cease-and-desist from the publisher (or photographer), asking that you take the images down. Not much of a risk, really!
So, strike a blow against the overly-restrictive copyright laws in the U.S., and keep 'em up until someone complains.
And keep blogging (though we will excuse time off for the new arrival).
And then there's always walking the floors like Allison, but aren't you supposed to be keeping your feet up? Save your verticle time for dinner.
ReplyDeleteGood luck, hope the sandwich works. Nice symmetry. Love the Shedir hats. And now that my little one is here looking at patterns is 95% of my knitting life! So enjoyed your Flicker effort. Thanks. Unfortunatly I don't know where I can buy Phildar patterns? But Debbie Bliss is a big favorite with me.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful projects you picked out! So helpful of you to make the flickr set too! I made the DB eyelet dress for my daughter before she was born and she's definitely a lot of use out of it.
ReplyDeleteGood luck- I hope everything works out well and you have a healthy little baby tomorrow morning ;).
ReplyDeleteOh so many gorgeous and adorable patterns, and most of them I have so we must have a few of the same books. I adore the heirloom set, how cute. I hope everything goes to plan for you too, although I am sure he will come out when the time is just right for him. As my Nana used to say, babies are never overdue, they come out when their perfectly cooked.
ReplyDeleteThat is such an awesome idea, I'm totally inspired to do something similar! I've been having trouble keeping track of my own future projects and inspirations and this is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I suppose if copyright became an issue you could just make the pics private??
What an awesome list! You have a lot of adorable baby knits lined up. I lurve baby knits. :)
ReplyDeleteHope your plan worked!
ReplyDeleteYou have some very inspiring pictures there! Have fun tonight ....
ReplyDeleteWell??? :-) Dont keep us waiting!! :-) Has Lemon arrived? I must tell you I am hoping for this Friday, the 9th! It is the Feast Day of St Dominic Savio and one of my sons favorites! It will be his 6th anniversary of First Holy Communion on that day. So, if not yet I am hoping for Friday for you.... All mine were last so I wouldn't have even started to think about it until they were late.. :-( One was 9 days over and then weighed 8 lbs 9 oz so when the last (#6) was ready I went early for the first time and was "helped" when it all stopped. I had a healthy 9 lb 8 oz little boy on Dec 6th, Feast of St Nicholas! Kids thought it was cool to have "Santa" for a patron Saint!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and the baby!
Oh you sound really, really, really ready. But ... is Lemon drop ready? He may be of a completely different temperament, altho just a sweet. Ho, ho some babies just love to make their own plans!
ReplyDeleteAs you make each of those items, replace their picture with your own finished object ... leaving the book specs for others to know where to find the pattern. I can't imagine anyone not thinking that this was just plain good advertisement!
I LOVE the Phildar Layette patterns!!!! Does the "catalogue" have all the patterns in it or do you have to buy each seperate?
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! I'd been looking for some way to organize all the projects I want to knit from various books and magazines, but the thought of taking photos of the photos and then printing them out and wasting all that ink was not appealing. But using my PhotoBucket account...that's brilliant! Thanks, and hopefully your lemon will "drop" soon!