I've finished the body and sleeves and am now knitting the hood. I'm knitting the smallest size and think that two balls will be more than enough to finish it. I was able to knit the body and one sleeve with a single ball of the stuff so I think I'll make it. Now I have to decide whether I like it plain, which is nice and gender neutral, or whether I want to embroider on the daisies?
This is another one for the gift pile so gender neutrality would be a big plus. But how cute are the daisies? They would add so much sweetness to the otherwise very plain and boring hoodie! What to do, what to do? Did I mention I have just a few yards of white cotton tots left from another project which would be just enough for subtle daisies? Oh, and also, I have the cutest little daisy buttons. Hmmmm...
I'm feeling so much knitting pressure these days because my days at home are counted. My maternity leave ends just a week after Julian's first birthday so I have less than two months left to enjoy my little bundle of joy and to knit my little heart out during naptime. Once I'm back at the office, I'll still get to knit on the train and in the evenings after we put the little guy to sleep but projects will take longer to complete and so there will be much fewer FO's.
And my stash is huge!
Ps. I never do enough of this, but wanted to thank all of you commenters out there. You are always so encouraging and supportive and make my day, everyday. Blogger doesn't collect e-mail addresses for commenters (if you've found a way to do that please, please, please let me know how) so I don't often respond, but wanted to acknowledge and thank you for taking the time. Like many of you stay at home moms out there, I really appreciate the interaction with grown-ups! So thanks ;0)
It is beautiful! :)
ReplyDeletecherish every bit of your leave! I had to go back when my little bit was 2 months old (small business) and so as much as I enjoy my profession, I miss spending all of my day with my baby son. I wish I had been able to do a year home, but it didn't work for us and so we have the next best thing. He gets a lot of loving from grandma and then I rush home from the office to get my time in. It's going by so fast and I'm trying hard to take lots of pictures and journal for him.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I vote for going all out and getting daisies on the baby sweater :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a coincidence! I'm in "Daisy" production mode over here...but I haven't ventured into hood territory yet.
ReplyDeleteI didn't put any daisies on the little one I made last week, and am not sure about this week's pink one, but I think little white daisies would be beautiful on yellow.
About Blogger...it's strange...sometimes comments come with email addresses, and sometimes they don't. If I ever figure out why, I'll definitely let you know!
Super cute - but I think it needs daisies! :)
ReplyDeleteSending good knitting thoughts for your next few weeks of good knitting time!
I think it sounds like the daisies are in order...enough yarn left over, daisy buttons...sounds like it should be a daisy hoodie to me!
ReplyDeleteCould you leave the finishing until you know who the recipient will be?
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute baby sweater!
ReplyDeleteI am making a Easy Baby Cardigan right now but my pattern starts with the hood first!
I also appreciate talking to grown-ups through the internet! LOL
I think to be able to answer to your commenter, he/she needs to change his/her "settings" in "Email" "BlogSend Address".
My settings are that way and I think you are able to answer me from the email Blogger sent you to your email account, right?
Well, please let me know if not... ;)
Isabelle :)
That sweater is super cute!! I have seen a lot of "Daisy" sweaters around lately. Perhaps I should be adding it to my to-do list. Julian will be a year old in two months? Really?!! How time flies! What will you do when you go back to work? Do you have someone who will stay at your house with him or will you take him to daycare? Too bad I don't live closer, because I'd babysit for you. :)
ReplyDeleteAww, so cute! I can't wait to see it finished. Also...I'd add the daisies. If no one you know has a baby girl, you can always donate it.
ReplyDeleteYou get a YEAR of maternity leave? Wow. I think I'd get about two months.
Oh, and also, I wanted to share a site that I loooove and I think you will, too: Garnstudio.com has tons of FREE patterns. Their women's stuff is really cute and trendy, and their baby stuff is so adorable. If you already know about this site, sorry for the repetition!
ReplyDeleteDaisy, daisy, daisy ... you've got to do the daisies. How cute!
ReplyDeleteI know the email is set in the profile somewhere ... like tricotine said.